ELISA Development Reagents
ELISA Development Reagents
DuoSet® ELISA Development Kits contain the basic components required to develop an immunoassay. They offer an economical alternative to buying separate antibodies and proteins.
DuoSet® ELISA Development Systems
A format for sandwich ELISA development
DuoSet® IC (Intracellular) ELISA Development Systems
A format for measuring intracellular molecules in cell lysates by sandwich ELISA
DuoSet IC® (Intracellular) Phospho-specific ELISA Development Systems
A format for measuring phosphorylated intracellular molecules in cell lysates by sandwich ELISA
Supplemental ELISA/Assay Products
Microplates, wash buffers, diluents, detection reagents, stop solution, sample collection kits, and more