Reagents needed for covid-19 test
R&D Systems is known primarily as a supplier of cytokines, growth factors, antibodies to them and kits for their determination.
Now, in addition to the widest selection of its traditional products, R&D offers a variety of reagents for research in popular areas of biological science (including stem cell biology and signal transduction), in particular, a large selection of antibodies. R&D products are not cheap (although for some items the prices are not higher than those of competitors), but they are of reference quality. Therefore, we recommend purchasing R&D products in cases where quality plays a decisive role. Some products are unmatched on the market.
In 2011, R&D acquired the British company Tocris, specializing in small biomolecules - inhibitors, substrates, agonists, antagonists, activators, blockers ... The Tocris catalog contains more than 3000 products, the one you need is easy to find in the online catalog not only by name or CAS -number, but also by the biological target (the name of the protein, enzyme, receptor or gene. Tocris also offers customized synthesis of small molecules.